Friday, September 23, 2016

UNH Alumni Photography Exhibit write up

UNH Alumni Photography Exhibit 

Untitled, 2016 
Julie Hamel 

The first thing I saw when looking at the photo was the pops of red. I found the pops of red in the lipstick the woman is wearing and the nail polish. This was very different from the rest of the photo because everything else is a natural color or a natural setting. The second thing that draws my attention is the moss covering the woman's body. The moss acts like a shield over her body and acting like clothing. With the moss acting as a covering and the wolf by her head it really helps add different shapes to the photo. With the dark greens taking up most of the picture it brings more attention to the face and the wolf on the side of her.

This picture can symbol a lot of things like beauty, fantasy, dream another word I think about is hidden. This woman is hidden from a lot and it seems like she might be far in the woods away from it all. This photo also some what confuses me but I really like the concept of it. I think the fairy tale aspect draws my attention. I though of  little red riding hood when I saw the wolf. But with the woman in the position that she's in it looks like  sleeping beauty. I really like how this photo has a lot of natural aspects but also the little pops of red have a none natural effect on me.

The other picture that Julie had next to this one also follows a natural theme. It was of a bird that was being laid out for measuring. The photo was also black and white. I think that the theme of her photography style almost always has nature involved. That is a very cool aspect having nature vs none nature in a photo. I like how this photo gives you an idea that it is based on a fairy tale or a story. It adds a lot of wonder and prediction. One thought that I had is that the wolf is there for protection. The girl might need to be protected from something or maybe the girl was lost and need someone to help guide the way. There are a lot of possibilities to this one photo. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Walk Activity

Fall leaves 
September 15, 2016
Photo taken by: Chloe Frye 

When I went on the walk I really liked the thought of photographing the windows. This window had a curtain in it and I liked this one because of the textures. At first I was frustrated with the reflection in the window. But after I looked at it the reflection really adds to this picture. It gives it more texture and the contrast between the yellow of the leaves and the reddish curtain reminds me of fall leaves and it gives it a cool pattern. Also I like how the curtain creases it adds more depth to this picture. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Response to editing Activity + Talking about Composition

Part One 

Own Selection 

Classmates Selection 

The selections were definitely different from each other. I think that the picture that my classmates chose were different from what I chose. The 2 at the bottom have hidden beauty and symbolism in them. As for the ones that I chose are more natural occurrences that you might see in everyday life.I think that my classmates chose the two because they were different and observant. Also the angles of the photos fit well with the subject matter in the picture. 

Part Two 

Bebe and I 
Photo Taken by: Nicholas Nixon 

It was really hard to decide what picture I really liked. I kept on going back and forth but I always went back to this one. I liked this photo one the subject matter. There are so many things you wonder when looking at a portrait of two people. For example what could there story be. How did the relationship form or you could wonder the very adventures they have been on together. 
I love how this photo is black and white it really captures the moment well. The way that the subjects are holding each other frames the photo and really focus in on them and not another background. There is also a shadow in this picture that almost acts like another way of connecting the two people in this photo. The way that there hands are and showing that the lady in this picture has her wedding ring adds to the connection also how there heads connect within the shadow brings this photo a lot of meaning. Even the texture in the hands and face brings more to the picture and the story behind it. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Color Theory (Red)

Red (color theory) 

Why Red?

Red really pops out in everyday life. I chose this color because I like how it is sophisticated and one of those colors that pops when you wear it. Red can be a warm color but also such a dangerous color and a symbol of caution. 

Five Things that symbolize Red to me :
1. Danger 
2. Fall 
3. Romance 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

In class assignment September 6 ,2016

ARTS 552 9/6/16 In class assignment 


Panning with moving subject 

Only the subject is moving 

Stopping Motion 

Depth of Field 






Scavenger Hunt 

Someone doing something to someone else 

Photo with more than three people in the frame

Classmate Portrait

Main subject is a very small part of composition

What you might overlook

Sunday, September 4, 2016